The idea behind our Rocket Bowls is that they are quick and easy recipes to make, and you can use them as a bit of a pick and mix to make veggie meals from all your homegrown produce. Here are some ideas:
Load them up on to toasted sourdough or ciabatta, a little like bruschetta, or use them to make some really excellent sandwiches!
No more cheese and baked beans – use some of the Rocket Bowl salad dishes to make jacket potatoes truly glorious! Mix and match a few different dishes and don’t forget the lovely leaves from your garden as a side salad.
The tapas style nature of our Rocket Bowls make them really good for flatbreads, tacos and burritos. A lot of the recipes include lemon juice, which can often be substituted for lime with a little chilli added for almost instant taco flavour.
This is where the inspiration came from – a Buddha bowl usually has several different dishes to make one complete meal. It’s a lovely way of eating, particularly if you’re in a hurry as you can make up a few different dishes at the weekend ready to compile a Rocket Bowl for lunches.
For a yummy salad lunch, make three or four Rocket Bowls and pop them in the centre of the table along with a green salad, some cheeses and bread for people to help themselves.
Any non-meat eaters will be so delighted to see a whole host of Rocket Bowls on offer at a barbecue, and they really help to take the emphasis off meat and bread, too!