Is your plot ready for winter?

Here’s a final little checklist for you to tick off to make sure your plot is fully prepared for winter so that you get a great crop next spring from better soil.

  1. Remove old plants and foliage – healthy ones can go on the compost pile, diseased ones should be removed altogether to prevent spreading.
  2. Make sure empty beds are weed-free and empty out unused pots/containers.
  3. Cover empty beds with a layer of compost or well rotted fertiliser, then cover with polythene or cardboard.
  4. Thoroughly clean empty pots and containers.
  5. Wash down greenhouse windows.
  6. Put things away – watering cans, garden forks and so on should be tidied away so that they don’t get wet and damp.
  7. Protect growing veg from frost and pigeons (horticultural fleece works wonders)
  8. Pull up remaining beetroot, carrots and potatoes before frosts.
  9. Turn your compost pile.
  10. Mulch winter veg.