We’re big believers in year round growing here at Rocket Gardens. Being out in the garden is so good for the soul and growing your own fruit and veg is both rewarding and economical. So we try as much as possible to encourage people to grow all year round, not just from April to September. It’s not always easy, and the secret to success is good timing!
A gardener growing from seed will have an internal gardening clock at work, making sure the right seeds are sown at the right time, that the seedlings are planted out at the right time, that the fruit and veg are harvested at the right time and that the old plants are dug out making space for new plants at the right time. Sounds complicated? It’s not! Not when you’re growing one of our Constant Gardens!
When you become a Constant Gardener, you can just relax as we make sure you get the timings right… we sow the seeds and nurture them until they are ready for you to plant. Then we send you a box full of plants that you can pop straight into the ground. And we give you a growing guide to make it easier for you. It is that simple. And then, a few weeks later we send you another box with more plants. And a few weeks later we send you another. That’s how it works…we send you the plants when they’re ready, you plant them, water them and look after them until they’re ready to harvest.