If you’re growing the veggies from our Christmas Dinner Collection then there are one or two little jobs that we recommend doing now that colder, wetter autumn weather is upon us:
- Earth up leeks – pulling a little earth up around their bases will help to give them whiter stems as well as giving them a bit more stability in stronger winds.
- Check brassicas for caterpillars and eggs – there are still a couple more weeks that caterpillars will be a problem, but if you can make sure they survive the last burst of cabbage whites then they’ll do much better!
- Stake sprouts – as your sprouts grow ever taller they’ll be more likely to be blown over by strong winds. You can stake them or earth them up (or both).
- Potatoes need earthing up too for a bigger crop.
- Don’t let rosemary get waterlogged – wetter weather is not overly popular with rosemary plants. If you’re growing them in pots it’s a good idea to move them under cover or to a sheltered spot. If they’re growing in the ground then drainage should be sufficient.